Supporting the Supporters: Nurturing Those Who Nurture Others


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Supporting the Supporters: Nurturing Those Who Nurture Others


      Caregivers play a crucial role in supporting others but must also care for themselves. Parents of children with special needs are their children’s caregivers, and as I have noticed in my blogs, some parents don’t have an answer when I ask what they do for self-care. Caregivers often dedicate their time, energy, and emotional strength to ensure the well-being of those they provide care. However, this constant giving can lead to burnout, stress, and physical exhaustion if they neglect their needs. 

     Here are 5 ways for caregivers to practice self-care and 5 reasons why it is so important.


5 Ways to Practice Self-Care

1. Find resources: Learn about caregiving resources, join a support group, and find others on similar paths. One caregiver that has been doing it for over 4 decades is Peter Rosenberger. You can find insights, strength, hope, and inspiration from his books, podcasts, and messages. Find out more at

2. Exercise: When you exercise, you feel better, so walk, swim, do yoga, dance, etc, and find new ways to strengthen your mental and physical health.

3. Eat well:  Keeping hydrated and eating a balanced diet is important. Try to limit the caffeine and sugar.

4. Prioritize self-care: One parent wisely said to put this on your calendar as a weekly appointment you can’t miss. I like that idea.

5. A balanced life means taking time for spiritual practice which can be prayer, meditation, deep breathing, journaling, mindfulness, and connecting with nature. 


Five Reasons Why Caregivers Should Practice Self-Care

  1. Prevents Burnout: Constantly caring for others can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Self-care helps maintain energy and balance.

  2. Improves Mental Health: Taking time for yourself reduces stress and prevents anxiety or depression.

 3. Enhances Quality of Care: A well-rested caregiver is more patient, attentive, and effective in supporting others.

  4. Maintains Physical Health:  Neglecting self-care can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of illness.

 5. Preserve Relationships: focusing on self-care allows caregivers to nurture their personal relationships and social life, reducing feelings of isolation.


     Caregivers set a positive example of resilience and sustainability by prioritizing activities that bring them joy, rest, and balance which benefit everyone involved. I found a book that may be helpful in your self-care journey. It is titled, 

Caring for the Caregiver: A journal for those who care for others by Sherice R. Bailey. This is a 127-page book that came out on December 7, 2023. It is a journal with space to pause, reflect, and rejuvenate. One review said this book was thoughtfully written with the caregiver in mind. Caring For The Caregiver provides a cathartic release from the daily stresses of providing familial and dependent care. I wholeheartedly recommend this book and am confident it will provide caregivers with much-needed respite. Remember, like airplane instructions, take care of yourself first (give yourself oxygen) before you can help others.