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Replay for Kids: A Nonprofit That Helps Bring Fun and Freedom to All Abilities
RePlay for Kids is a nonprofit with the saying that every child needs to play. It was founded in 1999 by Bill Memberg. He continues to be the President of the organization. Natalie Wardega is the Director of Operations and 15 people are on the Board of Directors. That information can be found at: https://replayforkids.org/wp-content/uploads/documents/RePlay-2022-Annual-Report-web-pages.pdf To date, they have adapted or repaired 19,300 toys. On their website, their mission is stated as follows: “The mission of RePlay for Kids is to increase the availability of toys and assistive devices for children with disabilities. We repair, adapt, and distribute toys and assistive devices free of charge. In doing so we strive to raise awareness and increase the number and variety of toys and devices available to the children who need them.”
Think of the popular toy, Elmo. In the talking version, you press his foot and he talks. However, a child with a disability may be unable to make that work. So RePlay for Kids can adapt this toy so that someone who uses switches to communicate has easy access to the toy. They can do this with any battery-powered toy with an external switch. There are 4 main types of switches, the touch or toggle switch, the sensor or eye gaze switch, the puff switch, and the voice-activated switch. Depending on the child’s needs, RePlay for Kids volunteers can adapt the toy with the best switch for the child. Imagine the child’s delight when he or she is independently directing the fun. They can even adapt ride-on cars with a switch so that a large plate switch is placed on the steering wheel instead of the foot pedal the ride-on vehicle comes with.
RePlay for Kids gives different workshops to help more people be able to help make more toys available. There are Family Toy Adapting Workshops, STEM School Toy Adapting Workshops, and Toy Repair Workshops. More details for times can be found on the website at https://replayforkids.org. The email is info@replayforkids.org and their phone number is 330-721-8281. Creative Space in Solon, Ohio was created in 2021 to host workshops for groups that can’t host them at their locations.
RePlay for Kids donates toys to agencies that provide services to children with disabilities and to families who have children with disabilities. The agencies include County Boards of Developmental Disabilities, children’s hospitals, and agencies like United Cerebral Palsy, the Cleveland Sight Center, the Society for Handicapped Citizens (SHC) in Medina, and United Disability Services in Akron.
RePlay for Kids has recently partnered with local libraries (including Medina’s ) to set up Adapted Toy Lending Programs. Toys are also provided to local schools for use in classrooms and therapy.
There are two great resources for people outside Northeast Ohio who can’t attend a workshop to learn how to adapt toys. The first one has step-by-step instructions for adapting a wide variety of toys. It is: replayforkids.org/instructions/
Videos showing the general steps in adapting a toy can be found on their YouTube channel: youtube.com/replayforkids
There are many ways we can all help this great organization that lets kids independently direct their fun, learn life skills, and increase the number and variety of toys for children who need them. Look around- you might have some gently used battery-operated toys or ride-on toys just sitting around waiting for a new purpose for kids who would love to use them. Check out the link below for the great interview Bill Memberg, the Creator, Founder, and President gave at New Day Cleveland. You will want to celebrate this great nonprofit cause. Watch the video and look for ways to help other people! Imagine seeing the joy on a child’s face by being able to work a battery-operated toy for the first time!