Inclusive Communities Are Successful Communities: Look At What Cuyahoga and Medina Counties Have To Offer

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Inclusive Communities are Successful Communities:  Look At What Cuyahoga and Medina Counties Have To Offer

      Everyone, regardless of their ability, should have access to and fully participate in a community where they are welcomed, included, and supported. During the Christmas seasonI took my daughter and her three children to see a sensory-friendly version of the Nutcracker, which included performers with special needs alongside professional dancers and dancers from area dance studios. It was inspirational, so I decided to highlight this beautiful ballet company and discovered other opportunities for people with different abilities. The North Pointe Ballet Company makes classical ballet accessible to everyone. Their email is and their phone number is 440-973-4830.

     Empower Sports is an inclusive program that helps athletes gain confidence and enriches lives through sports and exercise. Their website,, lists the many programs they offer. Here in Medina, basketball is played at the Medina Community Rec Center on Wednesdays from 6-7:15 p.m. Other programs include softball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, golf, and exercise classes.

     Beyond Words: Music and Dance Center is located in North Royalton, Ohio at 6058 Royalton Road. It offers music therapy and adapted dance to help develop every individual’s potential through artistic expression. There are summer camps that teach the performing arts skills of singing, dancing, and drama in a creative environment. Their phone number is 440-230-6100 and their email is

     There are many programs and ways to help people connect with their community. Two counties that have great programs are Cuyahoga County and Medina County. The email addresses are www. and

     The Cuyahoga County and Medina County Boards of Developmental Disabilities are dedicated to empowering individuals by providing comprehensive support, resources, and opportunities for growth. They help create a stronger, more inclusive community where everyone has a chance to thrive.