Special Minds, Special Facts: Unlocking New Understandings

photo credit: rzelich/Getty Images/iStockphoto Special Minds, Special Facts:  Unlocking New Understandings      This blog entry shares insights about an adult with special needs whose mom is in a church group with my oldest daughter. I do not personally know the mom or her son, but her answers reminded me of some of the students…...

Make Today Amazing

     The title for this post is perfect for this girl because she has an amazing personality. I did not have her in my class but know her mom. She brings the sunshine to all who are lucky enough to meet her. She loves to make cards and is thoughtful and kind. I chose…...

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

image by Freepik   Comparison is the Thief of Joy   This interview was fun to do because I know this family very well. This girl is amazing and one of her great strengths is her ability to make other people feel special. She loves to make cards for people and I have been the…...

In the School of Parenthood: Lessons from a Wise Mom

In the School of Parenthood: Lessons from a Wise Mom   In this third interview, I chose a parent that has a child in first grade. Her perspective on parenting a younger child with special needs provides valuable insights. I just love what she has to teach all of us.   Q: What is one…...

Wisdom from the Heart: An Interview with a Parent Guru

Wisdom from the Heart: An Interview with a Parent Guru   Have you ever wondered what parents want to share about their exceptional children? These are first-hand perspectives from parents who lend their wise insights. Read on! Q: What is one thing you wish teachers knew about your child that is not on the IEP?…...

You are Braver than You Believe and Stronger than You Think

    I think it is important to make connections and look for ways to help other people. Being a helper is how I am wired, and creating these blog posts that were interviews with parents of kids with special needs is my way to give people a sense of community, and understanding and maybe…...

5 Things Parents Wish Teachers Knew

                                                                                    5 Things Parents Wish Teachers Knew When I would meet parents, I would…...

5 Ways to Help Kids Have a Sense of Belonging in School

The Importance of Belonging to a Larger Community Finding ways to help kids feel like they are part of a larger community is essential. For me, that meant providing my support for our spirit days. Whether the theme was “The 70s”, holidays, or a Hawaiian theme, I would always dress up in the spirit of…...

The Book Cover

     This shed was the inspiration for my book cover. I looked at thousands and thousands of stock images and ruled them out. The ones that had pictures of kids with disabilities did not fully represent my students. Where was the one with a child in a wheelchair, a blind child, or the child…...

You have to have thick skin

When I started teaching, my dad told me I had to have thick skin. This became my mantra when I started dealing with ideas that did not align with mine. I learned that we could grow and learn from different points of view, but when someone attacked my teaching, I took it personally. In the…...

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“Deb has always been a champion for her students. She builds long-lasting relationships with her students and their families.  Deb’s classroom over the years focused not only on quality instruction but also on teaching her students social skills and getting her students involved in community service projects.”

– Jim Shields, Human Resources Director of Medina City Schools, Medina, OH